Jungian in his perspective, his work reflects themes of balance by addressing the polarities necessary to any self-regulating system: life and death, joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, hope and despair, light and dark, gain and loss, creation and destruction. Much of his work is dreamlike and appears to be a reflection on the journey of life and the passage from this life to the next.He has been teaching others to make and appreciate art since 1981, and he retired from teaching in 2012 after 25 years of teaching drawing, painting, and sculpture at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Tom is a summa cum laudegraduate of Indiana University, Bloomington with a Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture. He has won numerous awards and you will find his work in public and private collections in the United States and abroad. You may find out more information about Tom and his work at www.thomasswopes.com and on Facebook at The Art of Thomas Swopes.
Tom Swopes