Bob Riseling

He also worked as a photojournalist for the Southern Illinoisan regional newspaper. After marrying in 1974, he decided that secure employment would take precedence over his photographic pursuits. His goal was to retire early and return to photography. Bob was able to retire in 2007 and revive his passion for photography. He soon made the transition from film photography to digital photography. Working in the digital format has allowed Bob to approach photography on an intuitive level that he could not have achieved with traditional film and darkroom techniques. He finds that there are a seemingly endless number of ways to work with his images in the digital world. This technology has allowed him to challenge long held ideas and approach his subject matter in a much less restrained manner. Bob photographs common objects that we see every day. He then manipulates these images into varying degrees of abstraction, presenting depictions of real objects in thought provoking ways. He hopes to engage the viewers, piqued their curiosity and involve them in his photographs.