Randy Turner

Randy began blowing glass more than 20 years ago, at a small arts & crafts facility in Stillwater, OK, where he & Joy were students at OSU.  This workshop, subsidized by the Parks & Rec. division of the small town, ran on a shoestring, and the love & dreams of those who taught and learned there.  It was a great place to begin, and he was hooked on the magic and endless possibilities of glass as an artistic medium. (A new experience for a chemistry graduate student!)

In the years since then, opportunities to blow glass were occasional and precious: either trading labor for studio time, or taking more classes, as possible.  The dream of a studio of their own grew in those years (as well as 2 marvelous children!), but could not be realized until late 2007.

The tremendous freedom of creating in his own studio has produced an explosion of color and form, with totally unique creations.  He continues to experiment with combinations of colors and shapes.  His glass forms include (but are not limited to) paperweights, Christmas ornaments, candy dishes, vases, plates and fish.  Randy also welcomes commissions, as a chance to try something new.

At this time, the studio is open by appointment, and on Open House Days.  Please call (217)463-4950 or -251-1987 to arrange.