Marty Jones

To this day he likes to study famous paintings to be inspired, gain ideas, and improve photography skills. He has been taking photos since his parents gave me my first Kodak camera at age eight. Marty’s occupation is working as a Regulatory and Safety Consultant in the Electric Utility Industry. He learned to operate
a camera through practice or trial and error. Today, he continues to learn photography and software by watching some of the widely available video tutorials and blogs During the day Marty photographs nature and wildlife. In the blue hour and afterwards he likes to photograph by light painting street scenes, abandoned buildings, and old cars. Many of the photos subjects he will have on display at the Gaslight Art Colony are of birds. There have been times he have sat in a blind all day to photograph a single bird. To date, he has photographed 334 different bird species within the stateof Indiana. Many of the birds photographed are extremely rare for our area. He likes photography that challenging and obtaining bird photography perfection meets that challenge. Photographing birds opened a lot of doors for him. For example, Marty met his wife Stephanie thanks to a photo he once took of a Blue Grosbeak. It also has allowed him to develop many connections and friendships with birders and bird photographers from around the world. Marty also very involved with our local and national land trusts. He does everything he can to help protect our native birds and the habitats they depend upon to survive. His ultimate bird photography goal is to encourage the viewer to become more aware of what is often so easily overlooked and under-appreciated. Many of his bird photographs have been printed and distributed in state, national and international publications. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, The Philadelphia Zoo, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and many different Land Trusts use his photos for advertising and educational purposes. Marty has always donated bird photos to any non-profit organization that uses photos for the good of our native birds.